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Ordering coffee in Polish

(e) = e with a tail; (z) = z topped with dot; (s) = s with acute accent; (p) Cyrillic p.
I'd like a coffee. Prosz´ kaw´.
...a large coffee. ...kaw´ du(z)a.
...a small coffee.à kaw´.
...a coffee with cream. ...kaw´ ze (s)mietank(a).
...a white coffee. ...kaw´ mlekiem. iced coffee. ..kaw´ mro(z)ona.
...a Turkish coffee. ...kaw´ po turecku.
...a Turkish coffee with cinnamon. ...kaw´ po arabsku.
...a Turkish coffee with vanilla. ...kaw´ po malajsku.
...a coffee with whipped cream, cinnamon, and brandy. ...kaw´ po staropolsku.
"What Polish people call Turkish coffee cannot be found in Turkey, I'm afraid. Polish Turkish coffee means that you simply place coffee grounds in a cup (or very often a glass) and fill the cup with boiling water. After a few minutes the coffee is ready. We add sugar or milk (cream) or drink the coffee black."