CoffeeBeer >> Pint Pleasures >> Beer in Other Languages >> Ordering Beer In Italian

Ordering Beer in Italian

I'm thirsty. Where can I get a good beer? Ho sete. Dove posso ottenere una buoa birra?
Is there a beer hall nearby? C'è una birreria qui vicino?
Are there tours of the brewery? È possibile visitare alcune fabbriche di birra?
I would like a beer, please. Gradirei una birra, per favore.
I would like a pale ale, please. Gradirei una birra chiara, per favore.
A stout, please. Una birra al malto, per favore.
A lager, please. Una birra lager, per favore.
I would like a strong ale, please. Gradirei una birra forte inglese, per favore.
A brown ale, please. Una birra inglese scura, per favore.
...hops, malt, draft beer, lager, dark beer... ...luppoli, malto, birra alla spina, birra chiara, birra scura...
Cheers! Cin-cin!
I love you guys! Can I buy you another beer? Ragazzi... siete simpatici! Posso offrirvi un' altra birra?
I need a taxi. Could you call one for me, please? Ho bisogno d'un tassì. Potreste chiamarmene uno, per favore?
Quick! Where's the restroom/loo? Presto! Dove sono i servizi?

"In Italy we use the quantity expressed in liter, half a liter, 0,33 liter and 0,20 liter. So avoid asking for a 'pint': the waiter will ask you how much, or you can order the quantity looking at the menu chart."

"I am from Milan and in every pub in town (you'll find a lot of them) you can ask for a 'pinta' (Italian for pint) and they will pick up a pint glass to serve you Tennents (all of them), Bass, Guinness, Harp and many more. If you happen to be in a restaurant or in a less cosmopolitan place, you won't ask anyway for a half liter, a third, etc!! It's enough to ask for a 'media' (medium size) and you'll get a bit less than 0.5 liters, which is equivalent (surprise surprise) to a pint!!"

© JC Mitchell
Last modified 31st January, 2011